Thursday, April 19, 2007

Explain this to me....
When we are young, and are around adults like teachers, ministers, and our parents' peers, they look old. One-foot-in-the-grave old. Fast forward to our adulthood, and we see those same folks, and THEY LOOK JUST THE SAME ! If they are old now, that implies that in our youth, they were young - you know, like our age NOW! Can't get my mind around that.

Case in point. Today, I'm in HEB, and there are the parents of a childhood friend and my parents' friends. Known them all my life, and they look the same. Sure, there are a few more wrinkles, and their shoulders may be stooped with age, but other than that, it's like time has stood still for them. I'm thinking, hey - that means that when my students or daughters' peers see me in 25 years, I'll still young!! (But do they think I look old now?!?!) See, I'm confused!!!

1 comment:

andrew said...

The older I am, the younger everybody else is. But will always by...Young.