Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Perm Story - well, Erin asked!!

Yesterday, I mentioned taking Spanish just to be in the same room with Troy Starr. Here's how bad it was: I'd had crushes before, even held hands with Jeff V. in 5th grade at the symphony, but nothing matched the adoration I felt when the Starrs moved to town. Now, I'd tried and tried to catch his eye; poor guy would have to have been totally blind and an imbecile not to see the efforts I was putting forth. Looking back, what a miserable little girl I was, but I digress.

School began our Sophomore year, and I joined the Pep Squad. ( In those days, it was a group of girls who sat together and cheered with the cheerleaders... no talent required, but it was too late to sign up for Band) It came time for us to start going to football games, and I'd still not won Troy's heart. In my desperation, I decided I needed a perm. Mom took me out to the place that would fix me up, and so on that Friday, I was newly curled. Ready to go. Finally, this would do it. I got plenty of attention and felt like this was going to be the night. Troy just didn't like me with STRAIGHT hair. Yea.

The game begins. Band behind the Pep Squad, so I knew he could see me and my bouncy curls. Then, it began to rain. And continued to rain, and all I could do was stand there with my newly chemically enhanced curls and feel the burn of the process cooking into my scalp and down my face. People held their noses, and wrinkled their faces and the black cloud of poison wafted through the football stands. Never before, and I don't think since, have I wanted to die so completely. As memory serves, the rain stopped, the game continued, and I rode home full of the knowledge that yet again, my unrequited love survived.

If I could ever see Troy Starr again, I'd beg his forgiveness for all the humiliation I put him through. I'd hope that with time, he'd come to remember this pitiful young girl who was so infatuated with him and laugh WITH her.


Darla said...

How funny! I love your story. I am afraid we were all miserable little girls at one time (well-half of us were).

I skipped taking drivers ed just to get a glimpse of my heart-throb.

But that was back then when our little brains were not fully developed and only partially warped.ffu

The Johnsons said...

Thanks for sharing, Mom!

And for the rest of you:
"You're welcome."

andrew said...

I had a girl in high school on which I had a mega-crush. I was a sophmore and she was a senior...and a cheerleader, to boot! And you know how I feel about cheerleaders, in general! While in high school I worked on both the newspaper and the yearbook. I would take rejected pictures that contained images of her from the journalism lab and give them to her. I knew her schedule, both at home and at school. I met her after several classes a day and we would walk to the next class together. Well, she walked, I floated. Nope, I wasn't a stalker, just infatuated.

Yup...we sometimes do things that are out of character.