Friday, April 13, 2007


One of my favorite things to do right now is to hug. Not just a quickie, glad to see you, now move on hug; but a long, lingering hug.

In college, at the Bible Chair, we forbid FBC hugs - Full Body Contact hugs. They were off-limits because, well, you know those raging hormones on both sides of the species in college. So, we'd be sure nothing touched except for arms and maybe a hip if it was a side-to-side one. Only dating couples were allowed, and they were closely monitored!!

As I've aged, I've found great comfort in hugs that connect you with the soul of the huggee - one to share a moment of peace and love in an otherwise hurry-up world. I think it started in the latter days of my mom's life - we weren't always on the best of terms, but I'd heard that widows and widowers often craved physical touch when they were alone, so I tried to remember that when I was with mom. It was something meant for her, and yet I came to really enjoy those brief moments of affection. Now, I hug all my kids at school, and pretty much most people at church, just because it feels so good. To stand and hold Jackie or Roxanne in my arms while we talk is almost Heaven to me - a closeness that goes deep to my very soul.

It IS better to give than to receive - but in this case, it's all the same!!


Anonymous said...

I am not usually a touchy feely kind of person, but I have always loved your hugs. They are strong and secure. They have always made me feel like you really see and acknowledge me. Whenever I hug someone I love, I always try to hug them a little stronger and a little longer so they know I see them and love them. Thanks for teaching me how to hug.

andrew said...

Cliff Richter was hugging Amy one time and he asked me if I was jealous. My immediate response was, "Nope!". I figure the more practice she gets can only benefit me and my hugs for her.