Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Being 52

Sometimes lately, I feel like I'm looking at life out of someone else's eyes. I find myself thinking and saying things the "old Amy" would never have done. Here are some reflections of my new mindset:

I get REALLY irritated when someone tells me how I feel or what I think about something. Used to, I'd just stay quiet and let them, but now it is almost a dare to go all over them just to make my point.

My sweet daughters know that "stupid questions" have always gone all over me, but lately, I just will not answer. That is so rude, and so unlike who I've always been - patient, understanding, etc. Not I can barely tolerate people who ask the obvious. I truly think this is due to our society becoming SO mindless that I am overwhelmed at the lack of brain being used. My favorite: "Are you serious?!" No. I'm lying.

I just do not worry anymore (Except for a few dear loved ones) just what people think about me. Oh my gosh - this is from the people pleaser of all time! One particular little woman at church is craving attention and will run you down to get a hug, and I walk right by her.
I'm headed to Hell....

Dana tells me that it's my menopausal brain. I've GOT to read that book. But even if it EXPLAINS why I'm acting like I am, does that EXCUSE it? I mean, school is starting soon and I'll be back around people for long periods of time - I've got to get this back under control. At least during the summer, I've been able to control the majority of my bad behavior, but those days are coming to an end, and I have a reputation to defend.

Do I need hormones? Any suggestions??


Dana said...

I just have to say that this completely made me laugh! I'm SURE that there have been times over the past couple of months you have wanted to say something to me and bit your tongue. Thanks for that! Oh Mom, what are we going to do with you!?

The Johnsons said...

Yikes - menopause does not sound like fun... I'll be extra careful not to say "seriously?!" anymore..

andrew said...

Try living w/ someone who is going through menopause ... even though it was forced upon her. On the other hand, try living w/ her husband who really has no excuse ... he just opens his mouth and proceeds to dig that hole deeper and deeper. No excuse ... just needs to be more mindful of what he says and how he says it.