Friday, July 20, 2007

Meeting "Dr. Jones"

A few weeks ago, I spoke with a lady from church who'd had her para-thyroid taken out about her doctor. My own tyroid is dead, so I needed to see a specialist, and she'd made favorable comments about him... when I asked, she told me what she'd liked about him, and that she would recommend him. Later, she called me, to tell me that she'd failed to mention that someone she knows felt like he was gay, and that she wanted me to know going into the meeting.

I met him yesterday, and there's no doubt in my mind - he's gay. So gay. I immediately liked him and felt very comfortable with him - he spent about 20 minutes with me - an eternity for a specialist these days. And now I wonder, is it a good thing I was told ahead of time? Would I have been so taken aback by his mannerisms that I would not have listened to what he told me?

Years ago, I would have been repulsed by this man. I would have seen only the lifestyle and not the person - a competent doctor. I would have not wanted him putting his hands on me; I'm ashamed to admit this, but I wonder how tolerant I can become. I'll probably see him once or twice more; it's not like I'm going to be socially in "his circle," but I don't want to become someone who accepts and approves of a lifestyle that I believe is wrong.

I really sound bigotted here, and I don't want to - this is just on my mind a lot. I've got to deal with these ideals on my own. Just venting.

1 comment:

Jaci said...

would it really be accepting his life style or more like accepting him as a doctor? I think its hard these days to seperate profession over life style. or maybe i am way off?? (plus finding someone you are comfortable with)