Monday, May 05, 2008

What a weekend!!

Yesterday, I crashed. I reached my stopping point about 2:30 p.m. after a whirlwind couple of days. Between the Spurs, Dana coming in, and the luncheon, it was crazy. Add to that, Andy leaving early for Georgetown on Sat. morning, it was madness and mayhem. But I am filled with happy feelings this morning, full of good memories and anticipation of more to come.

Having Dana at home is always wonderful. I'd keep her forever, but I know that is not the way it will be... so I relish my time with her. Just having her at the luncheon was a treat, even though we really didn't spend it together. Then, she chose to go out on Sat. night rather than watch the Spurs with us!! What is up with that?!? Anyway...

The comments on the luncheon far surpassed my expectation, but then the efforts put out by everyone to transform the room certainly set the stage. We've learned a few things for next time, but for the most part, it was perfect. The team worked beautifully together, and the turn out was great!!

Yesterday was Andy's biggest day. Church, blood drive, elders' meeting, put up tables and set up fellowship room as usual (ugly!), worship, grocery story then home. I missed him, but he just has those days.

Now, we have the week to rest. Thursday, Gregg, Erin and Roarke come in for a long weekend. The Spurs crowd will be at our house when they arrive, so that will be fun. Everyone loves the Johnsons, and will be so happy to see them. Hopefully, the Spurs will oblige!!

Well, school begins - have a good day!

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