Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A moment of reflection

Today, we met with our principal in team meetings. Usually, it's pretty serious stuff, but today began the marking off of days! When all was said and done, I have 8 - count 'em -days of classes with my kids. Single digits!! There's Field Day, field trips, movies, awards ceremonies, and touring the PIC campus; their new home in the Fall.
When the kids came in, I went over all the good stuff and told them just how few days we have left together. I've had them for 2 years now, and the already anxious feelings they have about PIC are compounded (by a few at least) with sadness of leaving me. Some, I'm ready to part with and pass on, but there are some in this group I'll try hard to keep in touch with: Jimmy the cartoon voice boy, Zoe my little "tweener", Max - a big boy a year older that I can love one minute and pinch the next, and Pate. Such a quiet little man I'll miss the most.
But there's the beauty of teaching; another group comes in right behind them in the Fall, and our lives will intermingle as these have. My little ones will move on and do just fine. I just hope I made some measure of impact in their lives.

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