Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hurry up! - Slow down! -

Sunday, for a treat, Andy took me into SA for lunch following morning worship. We rarely eat out, and NEVER drive into town just to eat, so it made me a happy girl. On the way, we got behind some folks who were not in a hurry and we were on a double yellow stripe, so we had to wait until we were able to pass. It didn't hold us up that much, but just the idea of not going 70 was frustrating. I mean, our lunches were there for the picking, and we were behind some old country bumpkins!
Soon enough, we were there enjoying our dinner, not thinking again about the holdup. Later, that night, our minister was talking from the pulpit about how he and his wife had stood just below where he was to be married years before. As he talked about it, his faced transformed into one of wistfullness; of a man whose life has gone by much faster than he'd ever dreamed it would - in fact, he made that statement almost word for word. The moment took him back to his younged life, and you could feel the wistfullness just looking at him. I thought about that morning, how I'd been in such a goofy rush to get somewhere that meant nothing to my life; to not be "too late" having lunch. How foolish....
Now, today I think of my coming granddaughter, Liz. When I look at the ticker on the blog, those days to come seem very far off, and yet I know she will be here before I know it. There is a Star Trek movie we watched the other day where the people on the planet can slow time down, to "hold on" to a moment to fully enjoy it. I hope I figure out how to do that before she is born.
Time. God is so lucky not to be bound by it. I guess we will enjoy that in Heaven.

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