Friday, June 13, 2008


When the girls were young, we'd talk to them about trust and what all that entailed. We would model that for them by following up on promises and keeping confidences. We made sure that they understood that, once trust was broken, it took a long, long time to build back and relationships were damaged by losing trust in someone. Throughout our marriage, that trust has stayed strong in each other.
This year, in both our jobs, we've lost trust in co-workers. People we felt secure in our professional relationships with have done and said things that have made us wonder if we should have trusted in the first place, and have caused us to change the way we felt about our roles in our jobs. It is a horrible feeling, and for both of us to go through that in the same year has been devistating. It certainly takes away the joy of working with others, and the good we felt we accomplished.
Sure makes retirement look good....

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

I understand...