Monday, June 23, 2008

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice....

Never again will I call her an "it." That's right; Erin and Gregg are having a daughter!! Something inside told me that she was a "he"- but I cannot tell you how very right this feels at this moment. Here are some things I'm pondering at this time:

I am on the search for the perfect rocking chair. It has to be comfy for long stretches of rocking = a good, roomy seat. It cannot scoot across the floor, cannot squeak or moan (no comments here!), and have "adjustable" speeds - quick for fussy, restless baby girls and a slow, quiet speed for a sleeping baby and contented Nana. Any suggestions?

Erin has the most beautiful hair, but I'm thinking this baby needs Gregg's curls. Are blonds ever curly-headed? I don't recall seeing many blonds with natural curls. Hmmm....

My mom would be so happy to know her name. It seems funny now to say it since she's not born yet, but I think I'll adapt. It's a lovely, elegant name honoring women very close to Erin's heart. She will have a lot to live up to... yet there's plenty of room for her own wondrous personality.

Oh, dear. I really sound like a Nana now!!! After I see it in print on Erin's blog, I'll fill you in, but I don't think it's my place to go first. I'm trying very hard to do things the right way here.
Don't want to mess up the visitation priviledges before she's ever here!!

One last thing; she's a big one - all of 12 ounces!!


jenn said...

ah yeah!!! i think little girls are fun! and to the culry blonde question...YES! my mom and i were both VERY blonde and it was a mess of curls! :)

Dana said...

I thought Erin's wild blond hair was why she was called "the Blond Bomb"...

Amy said...

Dana - "Wild" is the key here; not curly. It did have some curl, but mostly a mind of it's own...hmmm. And she did not have any when she was born.

Darla said...

Oh, little girls are very special! It took three grandsons before we got a granddaughter and now I have three. They are all so girly and love the things I love.

They check out your earrings and necklaces, love the bling on your clothing, and of course, as all children love the pretty shoes.

I keep a jewelry box just for the grandkids. The boys check it out but they are looking at it with different eyes than the girls do.

Oh, and Cinderella dresses.....
oh, what fun!