Thursday, June 05, 2008

What, a post without the Spurs in it???!!

Greetings after a week away; I'm back to writing on my home computer which is tentative at best, so posts will depend on its "mood." I'll do my best, but be patient....

People who are not involved in teaching just don't get it. I'm about ready to just give up trying to explain that the end of the year is traumatic. I guess the closest I would come would be if you quit your job and had to pack up everything in boxes and walk away after completing 6 surveys, checking everything off 5 lists, turning in everything you've checked out from 10 different people, and then walking away from the kids you've given your heart and soul to for 9 months, wondering like crazy if you've made any difference in their life. I'm really trying not to whine - I don't like whiners - but why does everyone I talk to think I need to "do something" immediately after school is over?!?! My in-laws, neighbors, and even dear friends are probably tired of looking at my glazed-over eyes whenever they ask me what I'm going to "do", but until my brain is rested and quiet, I have no plans. None. The first couple of weeks, I'm on coast. Rest. Vegge. The old Amy will arise again in time, but until then, know that I am doing what I need mentally to adjust to the end of a long, stressful year.

Now, that rant's over.

Had a wonderful visit with my dearest friend, Shanon. She came over and we talked, and talked, and talked. Played a new game so she could beat Andy, and took a nice nap one afternoon. Other than that, we talked.... I love her with my whole heart, and when I am with her, I realize how much I wish she was in my life more often. She's seen the best and worst in me, and has seen me grow into a better woman through the years. I've seen her at depths of sorrow and anger that no one should have to face, and she has come out of it with her faith in the Lord to sustain her. We strive very hard to hold on to a friendship that could easily be given up on considering the miles between us, but we won't let it. I am so grateful for that.
She calls me her "forever friend" and I am honored. I feel the same.

Thanks for coming, dear friend. I miss you already -


Dana said...

For the friendship that y'all share, I will love Shannon forever. Haven't seen her in a LONG time but she holds a special place in my heart because she holds a special place in yours.

And as far as relaxing goes - get to it! This is the first year where I am GRATEFUL to not have plans. I am pooped and thankful for the time to recover.

jenn said...

i'm with you on the resting thing (of course i know firsthand about your year too) i don't even try to explain it anymore; my last few weeks were stressfull i have no plans this moment, i will sleep!

it's always good to have dear friends that have known you forever and still keep in touch. I'm glad you had a chance to visit with yours this week. thanks for the reminder that i need to write a letter to mine!