Thursday, June 26, 2008

Post # 350 !!

Wow. 350 times I've had something I thought were worth sharing. One day, I'll go back and read them all. Maybe...
The other day, I went to Blockbuster and came home with 10 movies. Haven't rented any all summer, so this is the week to catch up. Yesterday, I watched "The Other Bolyn Girl" with Natalie Portland and Scarlett Johanson. I enjoyed the scenery and the costumes were gorgeous, I think it was the best acting I've seen from Natalie P., but I came away from the story really sad at the mess those people made of their lives because of ambition. It reminded me of the ambitious Father Ralph from the Thorn Birds - how his whole life came to ruin because of his ambition in the Catholic church.
I got to thinking that ambition is one of those character traits that can be either really beneficial or detrimental. How far does someone's ambition go to cause them to ruin either their own lives or the lives of others around them? If you are ambitious, people look up to you as hard-working and confident - unlike unambitious folks who just go-with-the-flow and live life as it comes to them. I think I'll choose to live somewhere in the middle. I don't want to lose my head over it!!

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