Friday, March 06, 2009

Another late night conversation with God

Just what is it that we are to learn from prayer?

I've been praying about something for a long, long time, and the other night, I just asked God; "What is it you want me to learn from this prayer?!" I've offered this particular prayer up time and time again, and yet it appears not to be answered ( I know, perhaps the answer is "no"), there has to be a lesson I need to learn. Here are the scenerios I came up with at 2:30 am:

~ God wants me to be patient. (I think I have been more than patient!)
~ I need to know just how to ask to make the difference (I cannot imagine asking in any way that has not been covered before)
~ I am asking for selfish reasons (Maybe..., but I think not)
~ The answer is "not going to happen" (I cannot believe this is the case - I just can't)
~ I don't get the concept of God's timing.
~ Things just are not in place as He would like them to be.
~ Satan is wearing me down. Well, he can just forget that, because where this particular prayer is concerned, I will never quit. I will not give up. I will not accept the answer of "no".

~ maybe that is it. Maybe I've tried too hard to be control and not let Him have His way with the situation. For that, I need to repent.

But I won't give up!!

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