Sunday, March 01, 2009

What's up?

I'm not sure what happened, but my posts are gone!! I'll have to get my "tech support" (the girls) to help me figure it out ... I hope they are retrievable!!

Whirlwind day at church; worship, followed by Blood Drive (Thanks to the Pursch care group for lunch!!), then Andy has an elders' meeting. Worship again, followed by dinner with the Kelleys to watch last Monday's "24" episode.

This time next week, we will be in Houston having family pictures taken. I got a couple of new blouses, and I hope they turn out!! I usually have squinty eyes during pictures, so I hope that doesn't happen this time!! I'll post a couple if they turn out!!

1 comment:

Dana said...

I was worried about you posts being gone but I can see them all again! :) WOO HOO!