Monday, March 23, 2009

Back to school

Well, Spring Break was great, but now it's back to work. 72 days, according to the ticker Dana sent me. I guess once we get past TAKS in April, it's all downhill....

Our trip to Houston was lovely. We spent some good time with Mom and Dad, had her traditional sandwich lunch which is like no other, and enjoyed their hospitality. Then, on Saturday afternoon, we drove over to the Johnson home for some good visiting there. That baby - I can not get enough of her! Dana came over and made a delicious dinner and then whooped us all at Risk. I felt pretty good until the end, when she took over my whole block of countries with no mercy. Perhaps we should have played Wii instead!

Sunday worship was good. We always get a lot from the worship there, and are starting to see more and more familiar faces as we go. Back at the Johnson's, we enjoyed some Papa John's pizza at my request and then relaxed until picture time.

The whole LaMore clan met up with the photographer at an old rice dryer and had lots and lots of pictures taken. Erin had set it up with her friend Mallory, who is cute as all get-out. She managed us like a pro, and I'm so anxious to see the end result. Only worry - the wind was blowing our hair all over the place! Andy was glad for once not to worry about it! :) Following the pics, we headed to the closest Bar-b-que place to eat; Dad's treat!! The best - truly - rolls I have ever put in my mouth. They keep taking them from the oven to your plate, so you have to eat them not to be rude!! My count - about 6. :) Then, Andy and I hit the long road home.

It was a pleasant ride, with the cds playing and the bluebonnets beside the road. A peaceful end to a wonderful week of leisure -

I hope your week was as good!

1 comment:

jenn said...

glad you had a good weekend!
~I have to smile about Risk--I played that once; at your house, Dana and I had a conspiracy to beat Jamie! It was GREAT!!!