Saturday, December 30, 2006

This world is just way too small. The other day, while I was waiting to go into surgery, the nurse and I were talking. She was quite a chatting young woman, and I really was just doing my part to be nice. The topic of school came up, then church. Come to find out, her husband is related to a member of our congregation. So, we discussed that commonality for a while. Next, I find out that her dad is a relative of MY dad's. Now, she is telling everyone around that we are cousins (at least 6 times removed!). By now, I'm the most important person there - well, actually I was the ONLY person waiting there - but now we had even more to keep us talking. It was a nice diversion for the time spent waiting, but it reminded me once again, that small communities as well as this world, tie us all together in one fashion or another.
So - be careful who you are not nice too - it's probably someone you're kin to down the line.

Have a good evening!

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