Saturday, May 12, 2007

Moms I Love - Past, Present, and Future

Tonight, we host the SPURS game party... GO, SPURS, GO! On the way to buy "stuff" to eat, I got to thinking of the moms in my life. I didn't do much with cards this year - my own mom-in-law's will be late, but this will serve as my tribute. Indulge me for a minute -

PAST: Margaret Alice Kersting - birth mother of my husband; died when he was 4 of Hodgkin's Disease; now 90% curable. I think - I know - she'd be proud of his life.
Inez Davidson May - my maternal grandmother. Could look you in the eye and with all the love she had tell you you were going straight to Hell because you were not a "Church of Christer." See earlier blog for her better qualities.
Margaret May Young - my mom. Mother's Day was never a favorite holiday for me... we just did not click on the same cylinders about much at all. But she loved me fiercely and lived her life for the three of us. I understand a lot more now.

PRESENT: AnneMarie Slor's LaMore - married my father-in-law when Andy was 4 against EVERYONE's advice. Took on two little men and a greiving widow, gave up her Dutch citizenship to make them a united family, and has loved and cared for me for 33 years, give or take a day. One of my true heroes.
CaLyn Johnson - what can I say; she raised Gregg!! A Godly, loving woman who has trained him to be a superb husband to my daughter, and I can't thank her enough.
Dianne Connell - a truly spiritual woman and mother. We got her when she married our friend Steve; smartest thing he ever did! Now that their 4 are grown, they've taken in 3 fosters kids (teens!) because, "I'm not through raising children."
Shanon Tissue - went through hell with her daughter and has been there beside her ever since. Didn't plan on things going the way they did, but when decisions had to be made, she put her heart aside and did what was best for the big picture. I'd give almost anything to take that episode away from her life.
Jackie Hutton - her whole desire is to bring up a child in the Lord, and she's giving it everything she's got to make it happen.
I love her for that passion. I hope it all works out.
Roxanna Varela - a single mom working her heart out to provide for her girls. I'm so proud of her.

FUTURE : Dana LaMore and Erin Johnson - when and if it comes, motherhood will take your breath away. You've been the ultimate blessing to me, and I try every day to make you proud of my life.
You are both Heaven on Earth for me.

1 comment:

andrew said...

There's not a day that goes by without my thinking about my birth mother and wondering about how life would have been different had she not passed away.

There's not a day that goes by without my thinking about my nurture mother and wondering how life would have been different have she not rasied me.

There's not a day that goes by without my thinking about my mother-in-law and wondering how life would have been different had she not instilled in my wife the love and values that she did.

There's not a day that goes by without my thinking about my son-in-laws' mother and wondering how my daughter's life would have been different without the examples and love that she showed him.

There's not a day that goes by without my . . . wondering...