Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mrs. and Micter Richter

Tonight is the SPURS group - game 3 against Utah. We host game 4 on Monday; I'm hoping it'll close out a sweep for the guys in silver and black ! We have such a good time together - cheering and clapping and yelling against the refs - and eating. Lots and lots of eating goes on at these gatherings. Such sweet fellowship over a game of basketball and a team of guys who wouldn't know us from Adam if they met us on the street. That's okay - it's fun.

When the girls were little, we'd just moved here, and one day we were going down the street. We saw another couple from church, and Dana calls out "Look! There goes Mrs. and Micter Richter!" It's one of those silly family things we laugh at that no one else can get - well, not anymore!

We're going to Mrs. and Micter Richter's for the game tonight -

Go, SPURS, Go!! See 'ya there!!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Actually, Erin said it and I teased her ruthlessly until she got mad and cried. Aren't older sisters great!? Either way, funny memory!