Saturday, July 05, 2008

Let the Planning Begin!

Just ask my family - my favorite part of taking a trip is the planning.
When the girls were little and money was quite tight, the planning was essential to make it the best trip for the least amount spent. Now, sweetly, the cash isn't nearly so sparse, and there ARE just two of us going, but I still find the planning to be great fun.

Frankly, due to gas prices, we are not heading to the mountains this summer - as much as we love them. The challenge therefore was to find a place to go that we hadn't done before and wouldn't require a second mortgage. After scanning our great state all over, we decided on the very tip of Texas; the Valley. I've never been there, and we found a great resort on South Padre that offers all sorts of cool stuff.
So, in two weeks, hurricanes allowing, we are heading south to the Valley. Then, I will be able to say I've been to every part of this amazingly diverse state. Sounds like a fun time for all!!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I've been to the alamo.