Sunday, May 17, 2009

Photographs and reality

Today, we had a guest speaker at worship. He has come before; his wife grew up here, and so it was one of those "we've heard him before" kinda days for me. Before class began, they ran some pics of him, his wife, their school, etc., and one particular picture caught my eye. It was a nice, casual picture of the couple in their lovely yard. A flattering shap shot of both, but this is what stuck in me head: "When she looks at this picture, does she see him as he was, or as the middle-aged man he now is?"

Now, I feel Andy is more attractive now than ever; age is agreeing with him, but we still look older. The camera does not lie, and having it flashed big and bold on the ol' screen for all to see took me back a bit. What was she thinking as we all looked at them high above our heads??

I know that right now, I want pictures taken of me with Elizabeth, so that when I am gone, she will know her Nana loved her and wanted to hold her; but for me, the pictures are not flattering. They force me to see me as I am, and I don't like that. The camera does not lie, and I want it to.

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