Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A welcome sight

This week, I am working at what is called the Annex; the home office of all support services with PISD. Since I don't have scheduled classes with students, I am loaded up and boxed away, and finding things to keep me busy the next two weeks. I do have some things, but not two weeks' worth!!

Today, I am working on an application for one of my students to begin receiving disability payments because he has dyslexia. Hmmm - now, aside from making reading hard, his life at this point is not really affected by having dyslexia. It is not keeping him from a job, nor is it causing him any lifestyle discomfort, so I'm thinking that he just doesn't need it. Is that wrong? I know that, in the future, he will have difficulty doing some jobs, but he should be able to support himself in some manner in spite of his reading problems. Jay Leno and Tom Cruise come to mind, along with a myriad of other very capable folks. You just suck it up and deal with it! I will be curious to see what the powers that be decide.

On a nicer note, I sit here listening to the glorious sound and sight of a good old soaker rain!! We've gotten some off and on the past week or so, but this one is really giving up a good measure of the wet stuff!! I tell you, get these ranchers and farmers praying, and that's all it takes! I'm so glad God invented storms - they remind us of the power and majesty that only He provides to us - may we never take them for granted!

Have a wonderful, wet day -

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