Saturday, May 02, 2009

How can it already be May?! The school year just started, Liz was just born... and now, it's May. A month from today, it will be the last week of school!

I have really enjoyed this year - a nice thing to say after the last couple of years. I'm not saying it's been my best, but the changes in my day and the people I've worked with have added a refreshing perspective to getting up and going this year. How nice to look back on the year with a smile on my face!

Yesterday at Primary, the lights went out during my second grade group that is the - shall I say, most active? Since we are an inside room, the only light coming in was from the emergency hall light, so that added to their excitement. I had to remember that they are little children with vivid imaginations, and try to hold them to a relative amount of hysteria! It was only about 15 minutes, and not a monster was to be had, but it made for an interesting morning. They couldn't quite figure out why, if the electricity went off, the clock still worked!

Then, to Elementary, where everyone was recovering from 3 days of TAKS. In my room, games were played with chocolate flowing. Everyone looked about beat - but we got it done. Yes!

Now, it's time for the fun part of the year. The pressure's off, and the count-down has begun. Field Days and fun projects loom ahead, with enough work to keep them settled.

For now, it's rest from the testing and quiet from the hysterics of the darkened room. Have yourself a good weekend -

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