Friday, March 27, 2009

Kids -

I have a student I'll call John. I don't like him, but I try very hard not to show it to either him or the class. He bugs me, because he just walks up and jumps into any conversation like he is invited, and that goes all over me, especially when it is between adults.

He's also one of those kids who tries overly hard to do the right things. When we stand in line at the door before going in, he's at attention. When all the kids raise their hand, his is higher and more forceful. When something is said incorrectly, he corrects it - even if it's me !! And he's never, ever absent!! I find myself being very short with him, and ignoring some of his attempts at being right, just so I don't growl at him, and he's just trying to be a good student. So...

he's one of the ones who passed his TAKS test, and who I brought a candy bar this week. I won't be having him the rest of the year, and I'm ashamed to admit, I was looking forward to it. Yes! I can quit being fake with him!!

He comes over today to pick up his candy bar, and hands me an envelope. I take it and mutter, "Thanks, John." and set it aside. He stands there, expectantly, and so it dawns on me that he wants me to read it now, in front of him. Here's what it said, as typed by a dyslexic 3rd grade boy:

"Dear Mrs. Lamoore
I will be missing you. Because I have'nt gotten to learn the whole cursive lesson.And making puzzles with you. The thing that I will miss the most is you. I Wont get to see you everyday, and I am sad for that. But I want to thank you for teaching me how to read."
(your favorite student)

Boy, do I feel like a dog.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hopefully, a lesson learned

One of my biggest concerns about my students is their ability to delay gratification. Everything has to be NOW - whether it is in the answer to a question shouted out while I am talking or waiting impatiently every day of the week for a candy bar promised for Friday. "But I want it now, Mrs. LaMore - I can't wait until Friday!!" I try to hold firm, but it would just be so much easier to give in...

My students at Elementary are 3rd and 4th graders. They are sweet children, and I love them (mostly). Due to the principal's scheduling, they miss what is called "Specials" - Art, Music, Computers, Science Lab - that their classmates go to and talk aboutto come to my class. I personally think it is cruel, but no one asks me. Now, at the end of March, something wonderful has happened!

8 of my 9 have received a passing grade on the first administration of their TAKS reading test!! (The public is told they have to pass it to go on to 4th grade; they get 3 opportunities, and then most are still passed.) I found out this week that the principal has told them that since they met their goal of passing, for the next 9 weeks, they get to attend whichever Specials class they choose!! I am so happy for them, especially because I want them to learn that good things do happen when you work hard and wait for results. I want them to see that long-term goals are worth the setting and that things feel better when you earn them than when you nag someone into getting them. I think a couple of them will "get it" but not all. There are a few who feel obliged to receive that which everyone else gets. But time will tell. I will not have them for the remainder of the year, so I won't get to have my celebration with them, but tomorrow - they get those candy bars!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Back to school

Well, Spring Break was great, but now it's back to work. 72 days, according to the ticker Dana sent me. I guess once we get past TAKS in April, it's all downhill....

Our trip to Houston was lovely. We spent some good time with Mom and Dad, had her traditional sandwich lunch which is like no other, and enjoyed their hospitality. Then, on Saturday afternoon, we drove over to the Johnson home for some good visiting there. That baby - I can not get enough of her! Dana came over and made a delicious dinner and then whooped us all at Risk. I felt pretty good until the end, when she took over my whole block of countries with no mercy. Perhaps we should have played Wii instead!

Sunday worship was good. We always get a lot from the worship there, and are starting to see more and more familiar faces as we go. Back at the Johnson's, we enjoyed some Papa John's pizza at my request and then relaxed until picture time.

The whole LaMore clan met up with the photographer at an old rice dryer and had lots and lots of pictures taken. Erin had set it up with her friend Mallory, who is cute as all get-out. She managed us like a pro, and I'm so anxious to see the end result. Only worry - the wind was blowing our hair all over the place! Andy was glad for once not to worry about it! :) Following the pics, we headed to the closest Bar-b-que place to eat; Dad's treat!! The best - truly - rolls I have ever put in my mouth. They keep taking them from the oven to your plate, so you have to eat them not to be rude!! My count - about 6. :) Then, Andy and I hit the long road home.

It was a pleasant ride, with the cds playing and the bluebonnets beside the road. A peaceful end to a wonderful week of leisure -

I hope your week was as good!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday of Spring Break

I really wish time would not go so quickly during days off! I love Thursdays during a work week, but they make me sad on vacation days - it is almost over!!

We've had a lovely time with the girls' here. One forgets the joy a baby brings, and Liz has gotten lots of attention and love while here. It is my desire to hold her hour upon hour, but she likes to play and move, so a lot of the time, I have just watched her and listened to her sounds and laughter. I'm so glad Erin came, and that we had a chance to enjoy them all!

This is a rather odd visit, in that we will join them all in Houston this weekend. This afternoon, the three will journey back to their homes, and Andy and I will drive over tomorrow for the big LaMore family photo shoot. We will spend tomorrow night with Mom and Dad, then go over to see Gregg and Roarke on Saturday. I have missed Gregg this week, and am looking forward to seeing him!

Now, it's off to make Sticky Buns for breakfast, and get finger-printed. Yep, the great State of Texas now requires that all school employees be finger-printed to check our criminal history. I'm scared....

Have a great day -

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

That Tulsa feel

Right now, I'm listening to Gary Moyers' sing, and it's taking me right back to the Pavillion at Tulsa Workshop. (In case you don't know, Gary Moyers sang for Acapella during the height of my "Tulsa Days." One of God's best creation, that man's voice!!

We haven't been to Tulsa in several years, some of it financial, some the "tone" of the workshop itself. All the years we went, we begged Ray to go with us, and he never would. Now, he goes and even if he's alone, he enjoys it. Tulsa does that to people. The last time I went, I went without Andy, and said I wouldn't do that again. He says he has no desire to go back, so I may have to rethink that statement if I even want to return. I do miss it.

On another note, my girls and Liz are on their way as I write this, so if you don't hear from he for a day or two, that's why... can't wait to see how the girl handles me this trip. I find myself turning into a rather grabby Nana, and I know she may need some time to remember me and the setting in which she finds herself.

Well, I need to finish up around here before they arrive. Gregg and Roarke will remain in Houston, so we will miss them a lot, but I'm glad he consented to Erin and Liz coming!! China Garden, here we come!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Much ado about nothing

First day of Spring Break, and it's been a slow, easy one. Watched a little "Sell This House" and got my fix, then made an early lunch for us. Sometimes I get these glimpses into the retirement years, and today has been one of those. I find it interesting that, at the age when I am most tired of cooking at all, I will be having to prepare two meals a day. This is not good!

However, I do find that the spending of days together reminds me of certain things; the man likes to share what he reads - so I hear a lot of information that otherwise I would have not known. Some good, some I could without. I read to him, though, so I guess it's a trade. Another item of interest is our lack of timing. We just don't always jive on what to do when. We will have to come up with a schedule or something to keep our sanity. He likes things when he likes them, and I can usually wait on things. I guess I should be happy that, after 32 years of marriage, things are still hopping around here, and he likes me with him.

Tonight, the Spurs, tomorrow, worship. A good weekend, all around!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Working with dyslexic children can have its moments. Usually, the daily drudgery of reading takes all the fun out of class, no matter how hard I try to "spice things up" in our canned curriculum. It is serious business, not being able to read in school, and by 3rd or 4th grade, there's just not a lot to celebrate.

Add to that the mindset of my district that says every couple of weeks, we shut down the campus for hours at a time and put a novel in front of kids who struggle to see if they've made incremental progress since the last time we tortured them. (Do I sound angry yet?!) So, this week, while I was home throwing up from food poisoning, the latest Benchmark test was administered.

The great State of Texas allows dyslexic students to take a "bundled" test - Proper nouns, questions and answer choices are read aloud to the students, while they read the passages on their own.(4th graders who read on a 1st grade level, mind you.) There are three passages on each Benchmark, so the first two are covered on one day, the third on the next day. This is to cut down on the exhaustion factor of doing it all on one day. My experience has been that they work hard the first, not-so-hard the second because they know once it is finished, so are they.

So. Today my first group of 4th graders come in, and Joshua chirps up - "I know my Benchmark grade!" Now, Josh is quite a charmer; I think I've referred to him before. We get seated and as I gather my materials while not even looking at him say, "Yea - what is it?" He's a pretty smart kid, so I figured he passed, but was not prepared for his answer.

In my school, two teachers team together; one teaches Language Arts; the other, Math.

"My teacher says that out of the two classes in her team, I made the highest grade. I missed one."

I looked at him, speechless, trying not to cry. "Not even Will, the smartest kid in the 4th grade made as good as I did!" And I sat. The other two in the group kept staring at me, for I'm never without words. I wanted to hug that kid and let the tears fly, but I couldn't. It would have freaked him out, and I frankly don't think even I understood why it felt so good. We just locked eyes, and I said in my choked up voice, "Josh, I'm so really proud of you." He smiled his goofy grin, we started class, and that was it.

I just wish I could've seen his mom's face when he told her!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

There for a reason!!

Ugh - I've been throwing up since about 6:15 am - holding it down since about 4:30!

Last night, I was really munchy - you know, dig until you find SOMETHING munchy. Andy was on the computer, so I dig into the Ranch dip and chips. Tasted fine at the time. WRONG.

Feb. 5, 2009 was the expiration date. I looked, but didn't think that much time would make a difference. Now I know. Did get me out of giving a Benchmark test, though!

Ugh. I could never, ever be bullimic.

Monday, March 09, 2009

What a great surprise!

Our trip to Houston for the big LaMore family portrait setting was postponed, so we instead had a nice weekend at home, watching the Spurs win 2 of 2 and got caught up on some shows we had taped. Did some laundry, had a fellowship dinner with delicious food, and counted the days to Spring Break.

One neat thing - as worship was about to begin I felt someone walk up beside me, and it was my friend Cathy and her man Steve!! They live quite a way away - well, about 40 minutes - and she attends worship in the same little congregation we grew up in. She lost her husband a few years ago, and has been seeing Steve for a few months. I'd never met him, so that was cool! Anyway, she wanted to go someplace different yesterday, and decided to drop in on us!! It was great to see her, and I was tickled to tell her that we'd planned to NOT be there on that day!! We sat next to each other and sang hymns, just as we did hour upon hour in the swing of my front yard, on school buses on football trips, and at worship all our growing up years. It felt magical to me! We visited just a bit following worship, and they met some of the other members there - then it was time to go. Even the delicious invitation to join us for the dinner couldn't sway them. I hope they come back again very soon!!

So, while I didn't get a Liz fix this weekend, I was reminded of how marvelous the church is in keeping us swaddled in love!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Another late night conversation with God

Just what is it that we are to learn from prayer?

I've been praying about something for a long, long time, and the other night, I just asked God; "What is it you want me to learn from this prayer?!" I've offered this particular prayer up time and time again, and yet it appears not to be answered ( I know, perhaps the answer is "no"), there has to be a lesson I need to learn. Here are the scenerios I came up with at 2:30 am:

~ God wants me to be patient. (I think I have been more than patient!)
~ I need to know just how to ask to make the difference (I cannot imagine asking in any way that has not been covered before)
~ I am asking for selfish reasons (Maybe..., but I think not)
~ The answer is "not going to happen" (I cannot believe this is the case - I just can't)
~ I don't get the concept of God's timing.
~ Things just are not in place as He would like them to be.
~ Satan is wearing me down. Well, he can just forget that, because where this particular prayer is concerned, I will never quit. I will not give up. I will not accept the answer of "no".

~ maybe that is it. Maybe I've tried too hard to be control and not let Him have His way with the situation. For that, I need to repent.

But I won't give up!!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Delayed Gratification

After a long week which included giving the first round of TAKS, I was looking forward to a quick trip to Houston to see my favorite daughters, son and baby girl. Well, as plans go, ours changed, so now our weekend is "free." Due to a last-minute change, the reason for our trip was put off to the end of Spring Break. It's really fine, since the girls are planning on coming over for a few days during SB, but I needed a fix now. Oh, well....

So glad the week is over. Somewhere, the powers that be decided to track the kids' progress by Benchmark testing every so often. That is fine, we have adjusted. My problem comes when they are given the week of the state test; when stress levels and energy are both at extremes. Tuesday, the writing TAKS, followed today and tomorrow by reading Benchmarks in 2nd grade, and next Tuesday by Reading at Elementary. We do get free cinnamon rolls, though....

So, as you get ready for your weekend, enjoy. Take a break and breathe in the air of these cool, almost Spring mornings. I am!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Babies past and present

Elizabeth is such a blessing to our family, and has added so much to our lives already that it's hard to remember that the news of a baby isn't always the most welcome. Just the past couple of days, I've been reminded of that...

.. a co-worker informed me today that her engaged son is having a baby. She says she is thrilled; I'm sure she is, but I really feel like marriage needs time to "take" before bringing in the stress and financial demands of children. Too late....

.. a college friend today emailed us and let us know he's "found" his daughter given up long ago. Suddenly, I feel like I'm back in college with the news that he and a girl are expecting and how we supported him even though we were so very sad. Now, with a wonderful marriage and grown children and a grand-daughter, she is back in his life, and decisions of how and when to meet are being made.

I don't guess I really have a point to this, just thinking on paper. I do know that babies are hope and dreams and anticipation of a life full of promise. They each deserve a life full of love and care.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

What's up?

I'm not sure what happened, but my posts are gone!! I'll have to get my "tech support" (the girls) to help me figure it out ... I hope they are retrievable!!

Whirlwind day at church; worship, followed by Blood Drive (Thanks to the Pursch care group for lunch!!), then Andy has an elders' meeting. Worship again, followed by dinner with the Kelleys to watch last Monday's "24" episode.

This time next week, we will be in Houston having family pictures taken. I got a couple of new blouses, and I hope they turn out!! I usually have squinty eyes during pictures, so I hope that doesn't happen this time!! I'll post a couple if they turn out!!