Sunday, March 11, 2007

Last night was great. Andy, Dana and I went to the Majestic to do the Bugs Bunny on Broadway presentation by the SA Symphony. As usual, the crowd was ecclectic - everything from formals to jeans - we were in between there somewhere. I handled the stairs fine, with Andy's steady hand to guide me - I'm sure I was a sight to those who saw us!! Andy sat between us and had a blast - it was so good for us all to get out and relax. I sat next to a lovely woman who was dressed in an elegant black formal. She was sweet, and I enjoyed conversing with her.

The show was about 2 hours long; and I have to say that the conductor, who has traveled the world over for 18 yrs. with this show, had nothing but glowing reviews for SA's friendly folks, the riverwalk, and its symphony. He kept talking about the cheese in his hotel room shaped like Texas, with a pimento stuck where SA is. The crowd appreciated his comments, and it was a charming evening overall.

Culture at its best!

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