Thursday, November 09, 2006

I really love little boys. God blessed me with two wonderful daughters, and they have made my life full of love and happiness, but I really enjoy having my little school boys to give me some grins during the day. Two I have this year, Jimmy and Pate, come to me everyday for 50 minutes, where we work on their problems with dyslexia.

Pate is the quieter of the two. He is very much what I visualize my dear son Gregg to have been as a little boy; scrubbed so clean he shines, clothes very obviously chosen with love and a fine sense of fashion by mom, the most fashionable of little boy haircuts; you get the picture. He is loved so much, his dad's business is named FOR HIM. One grin from Pate just melts my heart, and I want to hug him so bad I ache!! (now days, you have to be very careful about that!) Pate works very hard, and is very serious, and I feel good about the progress he is making.

Jimmy is a cartoon in action. His voice even sounds like an animated figure. He wears the oversized shirts and shorts and untied tennis shoes that clomp as he walks. His hair has highlights and sticks straight up in front. He has a devilish sparkle in his eyes and a lop-sided grin does me in... I cannot be angry at him even when he pulls something. He talks too loud, and he half-way attempts his work, yet he gets upset if he messes up. He'd much rather be doing something else, but plays along with me because he can tell I'm gag-ga about him.

As different as they are, Pate and Jimmy are best buddies. They come in and leave arm in arm each day, with big plans for recess. I doubt they socialize in the same circles on weekends, but 5 days a week, they have each other's backs. So cute. Oh yeah - and girls stink!!

They make my day!

Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

: )

I always liked the little boys, too! Actually, now that I think about it, almost all the dogs I prefer to walk are male...
