Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wait. Not yet! Hold on, I'll tell you soon - Later. Not now. Wait some more. Be patient. Okay - today!!!

A few weeks ago, I mentioned on this blog that things at work were iffy - a teacher had resigned, and for some reason, my principal was considering moving me to that spot. As stated in our contract, she can place me where she needs me, so I felt I had no recourse should that happen, but I told her it was not my first choice when she asked how I felt. She told me she would seek a replacement, but that I was an option. The wait began.

I asked several people around me to pray that I would not have to move. I like where I am, in my little corner of the sacred Alamo building at the far corner of the campus. Days go by when I don't leave it's confines except to go home. I am left alone to do my job, and I think it's a fine job indeed.

Throughout the weeks, I'd get little hints about things, but no official word - until today. My principal informed me this afternoon that a new teacher has been hired and will start in the next few days. She is my new best friend.

So, Andy and I had Chinese for dinner, and I called Dana and Erin with the good news. Dana said I hadn't sounded that excited about anything in a long time. It's the end of a good day. Now, if I can just stay in my little corner a few more years and retire, I'll be proud of myself.

I hope you had a good day today as well. Sweet Dreams!! :)

By the way, I don't really teach in the Alamo... it's called that because the facade resembles the mission in San Antonio.

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