Saturday, January 06, 2007

In the movie, Princess Bride, "As you wish" were the words spoken to convey love by Cary Ewel (his character's name escapes me right now.) Often, I am struck by the things people say and do to show their love and affection for others.

For Andy, it's cleaning. When my dad was in a coma, and I was driving back and forth to SA with my mom, Andy cleaned endlessly while taking care of the "home fires" and two little girls. When both my parents died, he cleaned. When I've had surgery or anything like that, he cleans. It's his way of keeping things normal and secure, and I love him for that. It lets me know that, no matter how bad things look or feel, he is going to be there and life will be taken care of until I can handle it again. (By the way, I've NEVER handled house-keeping normally!) Nothing much rattles the man, at least outwardly, and he takes things as they come... and tries to keep my head on straight. I used to want him to comfort me in other ways, but this fits, and has for over 30 years. It's what we know.

I only hope I give him as much security in my coping as he gives to me.

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