Monday, January 22, 2007

"Thy will be done."

So simple to say, and yet so pivotal in our lives. RIght now, it seems like lots of people I know and love are at turning points in their lives, as am I, and I want to pray for them. At 2:30 this morning, as I sat on my bed and listened to Andy sleep, I prayed so specifically for people and circumstances; and when all was said and done, all I could end with was that phrase - "Thy will be done." It seemed to give me peace to just hand it up to the Father, and I lay down and slept the rest of the night full of the knowledge that He IS in control and that all my worries and desires to be the one in control are now in the hands of my God.

Now comes the wait. What will His will be, and how will my loved ones fare in the process? Like the old song we sang on Sunday night says, "There's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey."

1 comment:

Jackie said...

So many ways for things to happen and God works through each of them. I remember that as I ponder what He thinks of all the flurry of my life. I'm finding out, ironically. that the more He makes me wait, the calmer I am becoming. Must be an age thing.