Friday, January 19, 2007

A plumber just left my house. One of our showers was busted, and we needed an expert to come and look at it before the kids come next weekend :). So, my being off today was just perfect.

He was here less than an hour, and his labor was $80.00. He fixed my shower, so he did what I needed, but $80.00?!?! I do not begrudge anyone who works hard, and he told me he is about to go out and dig a sewer line in the cold drizzle, but still. I don't earn that an hour and how LONG have I been teaching the youth of America?!? Please - let me rant just a minute.

Well. I feel better; he's a nice young man (boy, that sounds OLD) and I wish him well. I'll get over it. It's a teacher-thing.

Have a good day!


Jackie said...

I have ALWAYS been infuriated at the salaries of anyone up next to teachers and the military. And don't get Robert started.

that was my rant. wadda you think?

andrew said...

Personally, and this has nothing to do with my wife being a teacher, I have always thought that they should be some of the highest paid professionals in our society. Everything starts with teaching and being taught. We would not be anywhere were it not for those people who have a desire and passion for passing on 'The 3Rs'.

Dana said...

This is a soap box for me as of late. I'll not bog you down with my biased opinions but just know that I agree one billion percent! If you want to hear me go off, just ask!