Monday, September 04, 2006

Teachers are such whiners - I admit it; I am one myself. One day, not so long ago, I was listening to some of us and it sounded like such a bunch of babies. I try not to do it anymore, but it happened the other day...

We've been in school all of 3 weeks; two with kids. Just had a nice, long break from the rigors of last year, and should be refreshed and eager to go with a new group. WRONG !! Everyone was so ready for this Labor Day holiday that you'd think we'd been working months on end with no time off! I mean, I don't like it when people insinuate that "June, July and August" are my reasons for being a teacher (see previous blog), but hey, I do like a long weekend just like the next guy.

So, Andy is home, and we are heading to SA for the most fun place homeowners can imagine - Home Depot!!

So... how long till the next day off ?!?! Enjoy today!


Jackie said...

when I quit working to stay home and chill for a while, everyone said I'd be nuts in a week and ready to get back to it in a month - - NOT!!!! I don't even have a job anymore and I still don't miss work . . uh . . waitaminute. That's not right, is it?

love! love! love!

Cryssy said...

Everyone hates work whether it is 1 day or 365 days. We may enjoy what we do, but we all hate to work. There is a big difference

jenn said...

Columbus day is 5 weeks from today! I am already dreading getting up tomorrow and already ready for next weekend AND i only work tomorrow--i leave for a conference Wed. morning. What a brat i am!!!! but i did enjoy today! i woke up late and was back in bed for a nap BEFORE NOON!
I love my job, but i LOVE the daysoff too!
have a good day back tomorrow!