Saturday, September 02, 2006

Breakfast with the LaMores...
I've been a LaMore for 30 years. Loved everyday of being a part of a great family, but I do have one issue. Breakfast.

To be a genetic LaMore means your eyes open before dawn and you are ready to be up and eating a full meal breakfast. Doesn't matter if you want to sleep in; breakfast is waiting until everyone is up and seated at the table together.

Now, I don't talk when I first wake up, and I"d rather wait a while until I have to eat, but that will not do. Andy gets me up about 2 hours after they have all been up, waiting to eat. I bumble out in my robe and washed face to see them, seated at the table. I know I have offset their routine, and I feel badly - really. But they are all happy and talkative and express to me how happy they are that I am up. I "smile" and jump in to join Andy on the final preparations for the morning meal. My brain is fuzz, but I attempt to make conversation and to clear my brain. I fell awkward and boring and lazy - it hasn't changed in 30 years, so why do I think today will be any different.
We eat breakfast, I wake up somewhere in the middle of the meal, and as soon as it is over, they leave. Gone. Another meal enjoyed
followed by hugs and kisses. Just when I am ready to talk!

Drive safely, mom and dad; I'll see you in Oct. I love you!


jenn said...

i'm not a morning person either---it would be good if we could wake up like an hour BEFORE breakfast to give enough time to get up and moving and brain wotking---but not ME, i like to sleep too much!:)
i'm glad you got to visit with the parentals! See you in the morning!

The Johnsons said...

Oh the things we marry into... Glad your visit with Grandma and Grandpa was nice. Grandma said they had a nice visit last night, too.