Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Well, my 51st year is gone. It sure went fast, and there are some things about it I will never forget. Here are just a few:

I learned that it doesn't matter how old your child is, when they are hurt, you turn into a she-monster who wants to kill the person who hurts your child. All reason flies out the window, and it takes all the discipline in you to behave and let things work out.

I learned your kids remember things you thought were nothing and don't have a clue as to what YOU thought were the big things to learn. Thank goodness!!

I learned my daughter is really smart, and that a son-in-law grows more precious every year.

I learned a vacation can be fun even if you are throwing up and sitting by the toilet most of the time.

I learned a LOT about Shitz-Su dogs, except how to spell the name!

I learned being an elder in the church is a delicate position; one that needs to be taken on with nerves of steel.

I learned a husband of 30 years is one of life's most amazing gifts; the seasoning of lives together fills the heart so full you think it will burst.

I learned that "just" teaching is not what I want to do anymore; I want to touch souls and make an impact on lives like I never have before.

Finally, I learned that 51 is only pertinent when I have to fill out some form somewhere.

Happy Birthday to me!


Dana said...

Yes...Happy birthday to you!

The Johnsons said...

Glad you had a good birthday!

First thing to learn in year 52: shih-tzu

: )

Jackie said...

I liked the way you spelled 'shih-tzu better.