Sunday, October 08, 2006

Andy and I have been married 30+ years... roughly 11,086 nights. Probably only 100 of those have I spent by myself while he was away, and most of those 100, I had the girls with me. My point ? I'm about to spend 4 consequetive nights alone in our home. What's the big deal, you may ask? I AM A COWARD!! I love the idea of not cooking and watching just what I want and falling out of bed to make it to work, but the sleeping alone part creeps me out!! So, if you don't mind, pray for my peace and security while I pass the nights away. I'm not good when I don't sleep, so that makes me even more anxious. I'll just give it a go, and let you know later how things work out.

Sweet dreams.


Dana said...

You are going to be just fine! TIme will fly by. You may even enjoy it a little!

The Johnsons said...

These are the times you need either
A) a dog or
B) a tv in the room to fall asleep to watching something like While You Were Sleeping or You've Got Mail. It's the only time I'm glad to have a tv in the bedroom.

But... You'll be fine. Sleep well and have good dreams!

jenn said...

qtthyvmryou'll make it through just fine and you've made it 2 nights already. but if you need a gaurd dog,(because i'm scarey!) just give me a yell. not that i could be protective but i know how being in a house by yourself can be, especially at night and don't mind being a warm body if you need one!!