Sunday, October 22, 2006

You know how people are always telling you how things are going to be, and then, when the time comes, what they told you is absolutely true? Here's my point. People always told me that you never feel you are getting older; that sometimes you feel your age, and other times it seems like you are still young. Well; here I am. 51 years old.
Today at lunch, Andy was holding a baby at the restaurant where we were eating with some friends, and I looked at him and he seemed 25 again, as when he held Dana just that way. How did we get here so fast?!? And now, the people that looked SO OLD as they reached their 50s when I was young look amazingly young and chipper!! I'm too old for some things and not old enough by a large margin for some others!! It's so confusing!!!
This time thing just wears me out!

1 comment:

jenn said...

i love the movie, MAN IN THE MOON and at one point the father is talking about dani (the main character) and how she doesn't help her mom around the house, she just always goes straight to the swimming hole...."she is too old to be acting tht way" and the mom replied with "use to be that she was too young and now she's too old, i guess she passed up just right when noone was watching" I feel like that sometimes too! i think you are just right!:)