Sunday, August 20, 2006

Andy and I have started watching golf. What a joke that is; neither of us are even golfers in our dreams, but a while ago, I started paying attention to Tiger. I don't watch a whole day's worth; just when Tiger is playing and so Andy comes in and the next thing I know, he's watching, too! We even make comments like we know what's going on; here is what I know- Par, greens, fairway, birdies, eagles and bogeys. Leader board and bunkers, caddies and drivers, putters and irons.

I've even come to recognize a few of the other players; Phil Mickelson who reminds me of David Elks, John Daly, David Duval and Vijay Sing. I know when to gasp and I have been know to shout, "Go to the hole!" after Tiger putts, but that really is about all I know. I told Andy this weekend that I'd like to see Tiger tee off with no clothes on, just so I could see how beautiful his body is - athletically, not sexually. You know, the Emperor's New Clothes kind of stuff. He is one glorious example of God's creative powers. I'm not so sure he bought it; but he didn't laugh.

Now, the season is over until the Spring. Bring on the SPURS!!!


Jackie said...

Amen, sister - - you preach on! I SO miss watching the Spurs!
Will think of you and will still do the blog thing in hawaii, so keep reading.
love you so much!

The Johnsons said...

MOM! Gregg and I talk about who we find attractive, but never have I said I'd like to see "James Marsden" act naked so I could see the glorious work of one of God's creations." I don't even think I could get away with that...

Even if dad didn't laugh - I sure did!